


„The Red Spot“ is released in Québec!

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DVD (German Version) of „The Red Spot“ on sale!

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in Pasinger Fabrik, Munich

27.04. 19.30 „The Red Spot“

11.05. 19.30 „between earth and sky“

                   „Maika´s Weekend“

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„The Red Spot“ was nominated for the German Film Critics Award in the category „Best Debut Feature“!

more Infos (German)

„The Red Spot“ wins William Dieterle Award

more Infos (German)

„The Red Spot“ in Tokyo!

15.10.- 18.10.09. German Film Festival

17.10.- 21.10.09. Tokyo int. Women´s FF

„The Red Spot“ - Japan Premiere

02.09.- 06.09.09. Aichi int. Women´s FF

06.09. - 12.09.09.

„The Red Spot“ at the Hafenburg Film Festival

28.08. - 03.09.09.

„The Red Spot“ in Bulgaria! Love is Folly (Varna)

13.08. - 23.08.09.

„The Red Spot“ in Mexico! German Film Festival


„The Red Spot“ wins the Audience Award!

Festival of Geman Film Ludwigshafen

13.06.- 21.06.09.

„The Red Spot“ in China! Shanghai int. Film Festival

09.06.- 14.06.09.

„The Red Spot“ in Austria! int. Film Festival Innsbruck

(Opening Film / Special Mention of Jury)


„The Red Spot“ is released in German theaters!

                                               more Infos (German)

27.05.- 31.05.09.

„The Red Spot“ at the Japanese Film Festival Hamburg

30.04.- 10.05.09.

„The Red Spot“ at the Augsburg Independent Film Festival

23.01.- 02.02.09.

„The Red Spot“ at the int. Film Festival Göteborg


„The Red Spot“ wins Bavarian Film Awards

for Best Up-and-Coming Producer!              

13.01.- 18.01.09.

„The Red Spot“ at the Asian Hot Shots Berlin

24.12.- 29.12.08.

„The Red Spot“ at the Chennai int. Film Festival

22.11.- 02.12.08.

„The Red Spot“ at the int. Film Festival of India, Goa

18.11.- 28.11.08.

„The Red Spot“ at the Cairo int. Film Festival

06.11.- 09.11.08.

„The Red Spot“ at the int. Filmfest Passau

04.11.- 09.11.08.

„The Red Spot“ at the int. Filmfest Braunschweig

30.10.- 09.11.08.

„The Red Spot“ at the Asia Filmfest München

20.10.- 02.11.08.

„The Red Spot“ at the Biberacher Film Festival

21.10.- 26.10.08.

„The Red Spot“ - German Premiere

at the Hof int. Film Festival

(Winner of the German Film Promotional Award)

21.08.- 01.09.08.

„The Red Spot“- World Premiere

at the Montreal World Film Festival